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Digital Photography

I thoroughly enjoy dance photography! Critically acclaimed as "one of the loveliest dancers in Toronto", Jessica Runge combines technical expertise, a passion for movement and an inimitable creative sense to deliver performances that are at once distinct and captivating.

Articles and pictures published in the National Post "fFIDA International Dance Festival" and in "The Dance Current" November 2002.


Jessica Runge: a mind in motion
 (Pictures created by and © Copyright 2002 - 2004 John Brunke)

Jessica is a current member of The Toronto Dance Theatre, and co-director of the Toronto based dance service organization, Series 8:08.
Described as a dancer with "a wonderful sense of personal dynamics", her performances have been said to "command attention" and her movement has been praised as "lyricism incarnate". Special pricing for dance portfolios.

John Brunke Photography ~ Affordable...Yet Priceless!